The interview would go on…
And on…and on!
Seriously, Mary Cunningham and I had a blast being interviewed by Mary Eileen Williams from Feisty Side of Fifty fame. She has a regular Blog Talk Radio show for women over fifty, so the book we co-authored with Melinda Richarz Bailey, WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty, fit the bill.
WOOFer Eileen has built a major site for Boomer women at Feisty Side of Fifty. And in addition to interviewing us, she's had Suzanne Braun Levine, the first editor of Ms. Magazine, on her show and (don't tell anyone) a little birdie (probably the one who nearly shattered the window!) says best-selling author (and WOOFer) Mary Higgins Clark will soon be a guest!
Oh, let's hope Ms. Clark isn't too intimidated by Mary's and my spont & cleverity! (private joke)
-- Diana (aka d.d. dawg)
Feisty Side of Fifty!