In addition to this blog and the WOOFers Club, Wendel Wordsworth...Oh, the list goes on, I also co-host an "authors helping authors" blog, Bookland Heights: Moving to New Heights in the Land of Books.
Our guest author for the next several days is Sunny Frazier...and though I've yet to read her books, her blog comments convince me to snatch up all her titles!
For example this question was posed to her: "When do you find time to write with all the promo you are doing? (he he--I'm hoping for a secret.)" ...
Sunny's comment:
I'm really into pacing myself and not setting unreachable goals. My secret? Kitchen timers. I have them all over the house. I work at the computer on a story, email, promotion, for 45 minutes. Ding! I get 15 minutes to eat, write bills, clean a room, read a book, watch TV, power nap or play with the cats. This goes on all day. It's my productive way of being OCD. The day flies by, I get a lot done, and I don't feel I've neglected other parts of my life. I go to bed every night tired but fulfilled.
Kids, don't try this at home.
I'm really into pacing myself and not setting unreachable goals. My secret? Kitchen timers. I have them all over the house. I work at the computer on a story, email, promotion, for 45 minutes. Ding! I get 15 minutes to eat, write bills, clean a room, read a book, watch TV, power nap or play with the cats. This goes on all day. It's my productive way of being OCD. The day flies by, I get a lot done, and I don't feel I've neglected other parts of my life. I go to bed every night tired but fulfilled.
Kids, don't try this at home.
I love this solution to especially getting sucked up into computer work, social know spending waaaaaaaaay too much time...oh, I don't know, blogging maybe?!?!
Hope you'll read more of her comments (well, and her books, too!). Why? Sunny's a fascinating person and a damn good writer...