Long-time civil rights leader, Dr. Lowery, 87, not only gave the inaugural benediction at the request of then President-elect Obama to the citizens of the United States, but also to people the world over, he told Jon Shirek, 11Alive.com. People who hope Obama will keep America strong. Dr. Lowery told 11Alive, "That's a compliment for this country, that people around the world want this country to lead. They want this country to be a beacon of hope and a light for peace."
Many of my South African "sisters" represent the people Dr. Lowery spoke of. Fikile Ngcobo, seated right front, emailed this week from Johannesburg, "To all the other sisters I hope you are all well and looking forward to the GREAT DAY 20TH January 2009, a day that will go down in world history when the US and the world will see Obama take his oath to presidency. The excitement is all over, for us here given the time differences, like we did with the elections and voting there, we here in SA won't be sleeping we will be watching TV and being part of the history making and celebration there."
May we all find value in each day and ways to give meaning to others' lives.

And this morning, an email from a Ghanaian family who lost their son one year ago today in South Africa. Hope Korshega Selase ("Dzifa") , aged 21, a volunteer with special needs people, drowned moments after this photo was taken.
His family celebrates our new president as well as, on this the first anniversary of his death, their son's self-stated mission in life: ''Korshega be a man of value rather than a man of success''

His family celebrates our new president as well as, on this the first anniversary of his death, their son's self-stated mission in life: ''Korshega be a man of value rather than a man of success''
Another "sister" from the States, Sally Broughton said it well: "As I think of Barack Hussein Obama's inauguration on the anniversary of this sad day, I seem to feel Dzifa's spirit soar in recognition of this blessing for our country and our world, that a man who stands for grace and justice and hope and responsible living will be leading our country."
May we all find value in each day and ways to give meaning to others' lives.
Dr. Lowery closed today's benediction with this: "We ask [God] to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right."
It makes me sad that we don't accept people for who they are -- who are we to not? I do have hope that our new president will inspire all to treat each other with kindness, respect and love. What a wonderful day!
Thanks, Cindy. I hear ya...I also have hope that our new president and his family (Michelle is amazing) will inspire, guide and move us all in a loving direction ... With people like you, people who care and want what's right, it will happen ... Let's keep each other strong.
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