Alas this is the best group shot I managed to salvage of the Echelon Press booth at the South Carolina Book Fest. (Sorry, Marc, you were probably making a sale just to my right.)
Anyhoo, pictured here are (l to r): Sam Morton, Marc Vun Kannon's daughter Julia, Regan Black, , Karen Syed, Regan's daughter Jordan, Marlis Day (in red), Jaquelyn Sylvan, Austin Camacho, and Mary Cunningham.
Though blueprints were hastily drawn up resembling an ark, spirits of those attending or hawking their books were not dampened. Authors are nothing if not resilient!
So...please check out these witty, talented writers...and see WHY their books are read the world over.
Thanks for getting my best side!
I think it is a fabulous picture. If you want to see other shots from another camera with almost as much skill, feel free to check out http://karensyed.blogspot.com/
K...still hiding behind the same laptop three days later. LOL
Okay, so maybe Annie's day job is safe but it looked like a wonderful adventure and a great time at the South Carolina Book Fest. I'm sure you and Mary knocked 'em dead with WOOF.
No bones about it, It's a great read full of humor and joy with more than a bit of wisdom thrown into the mix. WOOF belongs on every boomer's shelf. It's a real treat and, by the time you reach fifty, you deserve only the most special treats in life. So here's to WOOFING it up and much success with the book!
How many times did Karen change her clothes ...
Sam Morton
(crap, you won't believe this, will you. derned identity things)
One day Mary & I would LOVE to get to a fest in your neck of the woods. How fun would THAT be! We look forward to our interview with you on your great site for us boomer women: http://feistysideoffifty.com
And, "Sam," formally known as Norm, only twice that I could tell!
Thanks to both for stopping by,
Thanks to all and especially to Regan for keeping it jolly on a weekend that was cold and wet outside, but warm and sunny inside!!
I second that, Austin!
Great meeting you and witnessing firsthand your positive energy!
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