Friday the 13th. What's up with that? In this modern age of technology and yummy varieties of dark chocolate, why do we hang onto such an ancient superstition?
I think we like to scare ourselves. I do. I think we like drama and mystery and being able to say, Hey, it was Friday the 13th and I was scaling the side of a building and fell 500 stories! Oh, bad, bad Friday the 13th.
In my case, I got engaged on Friday the 13th. It was February 13th, as a matter of fact (1987). Oh, no, it apparently couldn't wait till the next day. Valentine's Day -- a day of romance and love and huggy-kissy stuff.
I was asked and accepted on Friday the 13th. And you know what? It kind of set the tone for a pretty amazing relationship. Some bad stuff, but mostly good. Mostly wonderful.
And WHY do you supposed that is? Maybe because Friday is named for Frigga, the free-spirited goddess of love and fertility...and 13 follows the number 12 which generally denotes completeness. So maybe 13 transends completeness?
At the end of the day, even Friday the 13th, aren't most days all about what we make of them?
Good points!! I'm not prone to superstitions. I do expect as many good things to "befall" me . . .
And chocolate can happen anytime!
I'm with you, gurl!
I firmly believe we get what we expect...so why not expect good!
And chocolate. Lots & lots of chocolate...
:>) db
Wow! I never knew about Frigga, but I do know about Friday nights. The saucy goddess seems to come alive on the eve of the weekend--even in mature households! :-)
You did get me to thinking, however, why the number, thirteen, is considered unlucky. So I checked out Wickipedia and all became clear.
Thirteen is the age that children become teenagers! Ask any mom and she will understand--not a silly superstition and there's absolutely no doubt about it-- TOTALLY UNLUCKY!!!!
Ah HA! Eileen wins the Friday 13th prize! (Hope the glory is enough of a prize for you!)
It all makes sense now...
Took a Feisty Fifty Woman to figure it out...
:>) db
Actually the number 13 has always been lucky for me - go figure.
As The Martini Diva I did have to create a Friday the 13th Martini though for those who allow the thoughts to take over. Maybe a few of those and they'll get over it? Besides it gave me another use of my Black Vodka outside of Halloween, lol!
Well, I think we've all come together and would agree, with a little drinkie-poo, a lot of chocolate and no teenagers around, Friday the 13th ain't so scary!
Thanks, ladies, for your wise words and great sense of humor!
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